"Vite, Allez....repete et ecoute....J'aime Le France, J'aime Paris, J'aime spending ze losts de cash dans le many wonderful shopsss...
Hi y'all tiz I again....another rip rawing journey through the despair that is my life.....
08:30: Up.....Just.....I thought it was Sunday and Mandy forgot to set the alarm....
It's been decided that the garage gofyourselves of Nebulai, are in for it. Having "repaired" the brakes they'd noted that a gater had the wrong clip on it and was leaking gunge everywhere and that the CV joint was damaged etc etc. Since the car had been there two months previously and hasn't been anywhere since and no one spotted this obvious requirement for a repair at that point.......I think "shooting yourself in the foot" springs immediately to mind. They've agreed that they should replace the clip but they're not agreeing to replacing the damaged ball joint which will cost us £178.00 "+ vat sir". This isn't on, so Spitfire Dave to the rescue has decided to take it upon himself to help us out by going and having a right rant at them on our behalf. Since he knows a thing or two about cars it'll sound believable....
09:30: Basra is in Quiet Rob is on his Jollies, Alex is in Overdone, so it's all a bit crap really.
10:30: Judy Blowhard is bringing round this spotty nosed oik and introducing him to everyone..When he gets to my desk I realise that he's about 12......feet high...I shake him by the hand as Judy introduces him as "this is Christ's ..." (the IT Director) " Son, Michelin...." you're not kidding me....
11:30: That little highlight over with it's back to work and rebuilding my laptop that had gotten so crabbed up with garbage I just thought it was time.....this should sort me out for the rest of the day....
12:30: Lunch
13:30: Back from lunch....
14:30: Still rebuilding the laptop from hell !!!!
Bit of a jump but following some running around like a headless chicken days....
Friday 31st March 2006:
10:30: Called in to "the office" all seems a bit serious...turns out I've got a pay rise...also turns out it isn't for very fact I'm told it's 1%...I'm not entirely sure it is 1% but when I take 40% tax of it, it works out it's actually well how to put it...worthless...still we won't let that affect our long weekend away, to gay Paris....wahay !!!
Saturday 1st April 2006: (you've got to be joking)
08:00: Up with a wing and a prayer, the kids I don't think have been to sleep (they're way too excited for that...) We need to be at the station for 09:30, so we've asked Spitfire Dave if he'd pick us up in his van....
09:00: Mandy is busy doing her hair and getting last minute stuff done..things that can't absolutely wait for the 3 days we'll actually be away but hey I'm a bloke and therefore not qualified to speak.
09:10: There's a rap on the door Spitfire Dave...all raring to go (20 minutes early). If I was a cynic I'd say he did it deliberately to see his daughter running around like a headless chicken in panic...we begin loading the van, leaving Mandy to organise "The Flask of doooooom"
09:30: We're arrived at the station. My Mum and Step Dad (Jim) are waiting for us (well my Mum is busy buying the 'heheh fooled you cheap day return tickets'). Finally we make it up on to the platform and await our 'bing bong bing, the train calling at platform 4 is the 09:24 service to London Waterloo, calling at f$cking everywhere !!!!....luckily we're on platform 3 since this is the non stop, (but stopping at one stop), non stopping service....
09:45: Our train est arrive...(it's here).
09:50: Luggage loaded, Mandy and Jack and Mum and Jim manage to go off and find themselves a seat...Ryan and I are less it's time for some quality father son time sat in the corridor of the train talking about football.
10:00: Unluckily for Ryan he's sitting opposite the toilet door which despite the many signs indicating how to, leaves all it's temporary residents cold as none of them are able to a.understand how to close the door once they're in it and b. that the little sign above the open switch saying "toilet engaged" means, well it means that the toilet is know it shouldn't be this difficult. If Ryan were to charge 50p for each time he'd told someone what button to press etc...he'd have 3.50 by now. It is curious how many people decide to go to toilet on a train and even more curious that most of them are women..given the chemical soup that's sloshing around in the bowl...still what do I know...
10:30: We make it to Waterloo loads on time...there's some confusion as to which way to I lead on towing my suitcase behind me....Down the escalator into the EuroStar main's easy the fun begins. Apparently there's a security alert and so just for the fun of it we all basically have to virtually strip naked and have all our belongings scanned for bombs...
11:00: We're boarding the train now...Forgive me...but there are 6 of you'd have thought the people selling the tickets would have put 3 pairs of seats'd have thought that like me..but no..sigh...Ryan gets to sit with some old dear who farts a lot until Jim decides the seat behind isn't going to be in use so he moves there. Not my complete idea of fun 3 hours of train riding but it's a means to an end...and I can always sleep..or read my paper..that is unless people keep talking to me, asking me questions (jack) and do I want a caramel fudge bar with my was like the famous episode of Porridge, where all I wanted to do was read the paper....We're pulling out of the station now...and my eyes are beginning to shut, to the sound of Mandy and Mum chatting....
12:20: I'm awoken to the sound of our french train conductor (or manager as they're now called) informing us in a very heavy french accent that we've finally crawled our way to the tunnel and we'll be under it for about 20 minutes...after that we can really go fast !!! as we'll be on a proper railway....
15:30: Or should that be 16:30 we make it to Gare De Nord in Paris. Now all we have to do is to make it to our Hotel. The plan (if you can call it a plan) is to get the Metro (tube) to the hotel...The reality is that none of us have ever used the Metro in anger and have not the first idea of where or even how to get it....we queue up none the less and purchase our tickets.
We wander around aimlessly around the station for a bit hoping that some old french bloke will take pity on us and help, sure enough my mum is being escorted towards the exit of the station by some old french bloke who's probably telling us to sod off "engleesh scum", but since none of us speak french well enough we follow him any way....We've been walking for about 10 minutes when I'm getting the distinct feeling that this guy is taking us to meet his family so he can issue a ransom for our release...he's pointing down the road and babbling on in well err..french...just then the sight of a tube station comes in to see you can jump to conclusions but some people are just bloody helpful...we make it to the tube..being watched on all sides by the occupants of what our newest french friend calls 'petite bombay'....we pass the tickets through the machine and up on to the platform...5 minutes go by and we're getting on a metro..
17:30: We make it to our hotel...they even know who we are which to be honest is a bonus..we're all shattered...we make our way up to our rooms, numbers 43 and 44, luckily for us the boys have their own room which is sort of joined to ours in a roundabout sort of way. This means however that they have their own key......which I'll be holding on to I think!!...
5 Minutes in...I'm in the kids room sorting out one of their many squabbles...i.e. who looked at who in a funny way etc, when Mandy comes in "What's going on ?" she asks in a sort of mother is too tired for this type of way...I explain and ask "Is that the sound of our door closing ?..." and "you did bring the key with you didn't you ?"...Mandy is looking at me blankly, "I thought you had the key"....she wriggles, "well I wouldn't need the key would I, since you're in the room !!!!"....there's a realisation that we will need to get the cleaner who probably doesn't speak any french let alone english to unlock our door....I tap on the door of the room she's cleaning and almost give her a heart attack. I explain in my schoolboy broken french, damn what is the word for 'lost', that my dog has opened the fridge spilling all the cheese (well it sounded damn fine in french), she's looking at me a bit lost to be honest...I figure could try pointing and shouting a bit more....or...I could try pointing at the door and making unlocking hand signals.... Fortunately the universal symbol of door unlocking and looking like a mime seems to do the trick and she unlocks the door for me...she's unbuttoning her blouse for some reason though....
17:45: Luckily I escaped...she realised that I wasn't that desperate and the kids being there was just far too kinky even for her....we just have to find somewhere to eat...later...though now I must is the law....
18:00: There's a knock at the, it's My Mum, suggesting that we go find somewhere to eat....Now normally I'd say this was a good idea, but this is my Mum, and Mum's the world over have this cunning ability to march when they're on a mission...I call it 'the Beach March'...yup you're on the beach with 20 buckets and spades and 3 deck chairs and a picinic basket that'd feed literally 5,000 people...and even on a deserted beach you have to walk 30 miles before she says things like "here will do I think"...well transport yourself from the beach to the middle of a bustling city, full of restaurants on the hunt for something to eat...well obviously we have to walk past 30 or so restaurants first... There is method to the madness she's actually taking us to see the Moulin Rouge which looks a bit odd and a bit strange with it's windmill but great to see it....We're now walking past it down a busy side street full of people selling various bits of tat and drawing various pictures....As we go up a slight incline a large church at the top of the hill appears, it's Sacre Coer (I think that's how you spell it), which is, a large church, oddly enough...there's about 100 steps up to it or we can buy a ticket to go up in a cable car type of thing. Cable car type of thing it is then!!! At the top a view of all of Paris is shown, the Eiffel Tower in the distance and lots of roof tops...very impressive....
19:30: Ok now we definitely need to stomach has been telling me this for at least the last I'm taking some notice of it...We find a very nice restaurant, who even seem to not mind cooking my steak slightly more than raw...a bonus I think you'll find.
21:30: All done now, off to bed..Eiffel Tower and the Arc De Triomphe tomorrow...
Sunday 2nd April 2006
09:00: Well since breakfast is paid for, I see no reason not to over indulge..what the hell..We trek on down the stairs of the hotel to a fake sand stone room filled with bread, and croissants and all good stuff to eat...
10:30: Breakfast all done, it's time to get going. Today we're going to the eiffel tower (an absolute must if you're in Paris obviously). This means getting the Metro...not a problem we're getting to be a bit of a dab hand at this...
11:00: We make it to a sort of large marble paved patio about 250 yards in front of the eiffel tower, the rain is raining a little and it's all a bit wet and slippy, damp and drisly...home from home then !!!
11:30: We're stood under the tower and contemplating whether we should queue up (in the rain) to go up to the top of the tower. I'm having kittens even thinking about going up so we decide that simply looking from underneath is good enough.
12:30: It's got to be lunch obviously we're going to keep walking around for a bit more....There's method to the madness...(apparently). Jim is in charge of navigation so we're all blindly following him...we walking for what seems ages down one particular street. When we get to the end, it turns out that we've made a little bit of a mistake and gone and walked down the wrong road..."ah well" we all say cheerily,...yeah right...I'm toying with the idea of hailing a cab if only I could work out what "oy! Mate!" was in french...It's not his fault, we just rely on him to know where we are and where we're going...and we took a wrong turn a some we can't blame him too much...silly old sod..;-)) He get's us to the Arc de Triomphe eventually which is the main thing...the Arc itself is located in the middle of what I could best call a roundabout. Of the many exits off the roundabout, one of these is the famous Champs Elysees, I don't exactly know what it's famous for, since to all intents and purposes it looks just like a big long road, but then The Mall in london is a bit like that too I guess.
We cross over to the Arc and wander around taking photos and looking at the carvings inside it.
13:30: Ok now I really really have to eat. So we wander down one of the streets and we find a restaurant, which has seating outside, with the traffic fumes...well if you're gonna do paris you might as well do it properly mightn't you ?
15:00: Face completely stuffed (well nearly) we're on our way down the road to the Louvre, talking of which I need we find a little one in the park that runs down the side of the road and I go in. This is doing me in a bit...I've noticed it once or twice before too...The toilet is unisex, so it has cubicles for the women and stand up thingys for the blokes (in the same room !!!) The toilet attendant always seems to be the opposite sex to the majority of the people in the toilet and she's ushering me towards the standy up things which I've no intention of using, particularly since she wants me to...I make an excuse and dive in to a vacant cubicle and lock the door (what a rebel!!)....
15:30: Made it to the Louvre now which is a big old building with a glass pyramid outside it which my Mum informs us is closed...nothing quite like looking at a glass pyramid that you can't go inside of ;-))
16:00: Since we're all knackered now, and officially have no feet, we decide it's time to call it a day and make our way back to the hotel so we can prepare to go out (that means snooze and rest our feet).
17:00: Back at the hotel now, I decide that the kids and I are going to watch back to the future 2 while Mandy has a bath...
19:30: Mandy is chivvying us up now...the films just about finished, and apparently we're going out for food....The trek past restaurants is on hold since we're all too tired to walk too far and we break the unwritten rule of restaurants..that goes "never eat at a restaurant that shows a picture of the food they serve..." it's an obscure one, but trust me, if they have to show you a picture then the food won't resemble it when you get it....
21:00: Sure enough my worst fears are confirmed...Mandy's "Magic" Burger will only be magic if it doesn't kill her, since 90% of it was uncooked. My "mixed grill" was pretty raw too with hard chips, not impressed...still we nearly filled a hole and there's always the mini bar !!!
Monday 3rd April 2006: Prince Of Darkness is 10
Yup it's Jack's birthday, and as a surprise for his birthday, we've decided we're all going to Euro Disney..because, well I don't think my credit card balance is quite high enough and I could do with spending some money !!
To get there we have to travel out of Paris on a double decker tube train..which is a bit weird and Mandy is having even more kittens on this and I think I'll need to have her arm surgically removed from mine by the time we stop...
15 minutes in the Ninja Ticket inspector strike force abseil their way down the outside of the train and storm the carriages, we show them our tickets and look very English and they leave us alone...
11:30: We make it to the Dis de Ney it's taken about 45 mins to 1 hour to get's looking a bit unimpressive from the outside...but appearances can be deceptive I guess. We go through security and queue up to buy tickets. We get a Pass Pa Tous, which allows us access to both the studio and theme park for the day.
12:00: Jim, Ryan, Jack and Me queue up for Space Mountain...basically a rollercoaster in the dark...Once in we rattle around a track and then come to a stop at the bottom of a steep incline. We're then fired up and into space...After about 3 minutes of hurtling through the cosmos we crash land back at the point we started...Jim is looking a little shaken...I'm not sure he'll be going on anything else today....
13:00: Ryan, Jack and Me are queuing up to go in to Space Wars (basically a simulator of Star Wars), which goes the wrong way out of the gate and we end up in the middle of a battle with the Death Star...doh!...5 mins later we safely make it back to earth, which we're all a bit relieved about....
14:00: Ok now we're going to go on to the run away train ride...this ride is telling us there's a 30 minute wait, which is just about bareable...
15:00: Ok so the 30 minute wait was actually a 60 minute wait and the ride really wasn't anything to write home about...
15:30: Starving, we decide to go and get Pizza...from el dodgy Pizza's...Now I thought last nights meal was bad but this was truly awful. The woman on the till had no concept of what a debit card was, and the least said about the soggy, 3 day old pizza the better in my book...Junk food at it's worst imho...
16:00: Wandering about, we decide to go and spend a couple hours in the disney studios park since it closes at 6pm....
16:20: Made it past the 'Disney Parade' and in to the Studios park. The first thing we go on is what they call a 'Tram Tour', which takes us through a commentated tour of a few special effects and things...we stop beside a scene of an oil tanker on a hill side (a reall oil tank on a real hill side). Then the ground starts to move like we're in an earth quake, then the tanker spontaneously combusts (you can really feel the heat on your face)...just then gallons of water come crashing down the side of the hill (putting out the flames) and just missing us in the tram...all very exciting !!!! Mandy's arm is surgically attached to mine again !!!
16:40: That all done, we disembark the 'tram' and make our way to queue up for the 'Armageddon' experience. We go in and some french bloke starts waffling to us (in french!!!) about special effects and how we're all going to be in the cast...I know this because there are television screens with subtitles telling us what he's saying...At least I think that's what they're saying, (you can never be too sure !!!)...We make our way through a corridor on to 'the set' of the Russian space station from the film 'Armageddon'...the atmosphere is tense, there's a bit of a commentary happening, there are tv screens showing asteroids hitting us...then the ceiling half collapses, the floors lift up, there's spray, there's flames etc...then we're out...all very exciting stuff if you ask me...Mandy has sat this one out, she's not a big loud noisey type person.
17:00: Over to the 'build your own' roller coaster, which the kids love doing...lots of twists and turns etc...then they get to go into what looks like a giant washing machine that spins them all around (it's a simulator, simulating the roller coaster they just designed). The operator asks me how fast to make it...I say medium so they don't actually throw up....The ride comes to a stop and it's my can only have two people inside at any one for once I go in with Ryan. This has the slight disadvantage that Jack will be waiting outside. The operator will then ask Jack how fast to make it to which he'll reply "no no really really fast...." I knew it was a mistake...I knew it....Ryan and I stagger Jack's evil laughter...and we make our way back to Mandy, Mum and Jim...
17:30: Just time for them to sit in the directors chairs and for us to take photo's of them then we make our way to the exit....
18:00: Back in the main park now, I tell Mandy that there is one ride we haven't done yet...this is the "Indiana Jones, et le Temple de peril"...(temple of doom)...This basically is another roller coaster, but involves sitting in what looks like a mine train car...we make our way over and given the hour of the day, there's barely a queue...bonus !!!.. The ride starts and has it's usual ups and downs and hurtling around bends far too suddenly drops and then we basically do a loop the loop in the space of what seems like 3 feet....brilliant....3 minutes later and it's all over...but it's the best ride in the park frankly...
19:30: We've done just about everything and wondered around just about everywhere. We've even paid for a really expensive cup of coffee and a one though (including me) has considered that it's about 1 hour back to our hotel and we haven't thought about dinner....
20:30: Just got back to go back out again...Mum and Mandy want to tidy themselves up....
21:00: Trekking around somewhere...Mum is claiming that she doesn't want anything very much but could do with something...well that's a help then....We get to the end of the road and I spot a "Burger Bar"...good enough for me...We all pile in and get the worst burgers in the world from the most dodgy french people in Paris.....but it's something resembling food, and given the emptiness of my stomach and soreness of our feet I don't think anyone really cares...
21:45: We make it back to the hotel...for a rest...Home time tomorrow...but we have half a day to kill so a boat trip an Notre Dame is the order of the day....
Tuesday 4th April 2006:
09:45: Up with a spring and a stomach cramp!!!...we rush downstairs to get some breakfast...we gotta get some sustinance!!!...
10:30: We're all done..The train we need to get leaves at 3pm local time so we've some time to kill.
11:00: The plan is to do a boat trip down the Senne, however all the best laid plans and all is a national boat trips are something of a premium. We manage to get on a tube which gets us in to the centre and we wonder around a bit and walk past the very impressive Notre Dame a few times...trouble is once you've seen it you've sort of seen it....
12:00: Time to stop for a bite to eat...Since we'll be getting back late-ish, we decide to have a proper meal now and then we only have to have a snack at tea I have STEAK !!! it is after all the law...
14:00: Time to make our way back to the hotel, we've stowed our luggage in a little side room so by the time we get back and get that sorted and get the taxi's ordered, we should be around about the right time....
15:00: We've made it to Gare Du Nord, another 3 hour train ride to feet are killing me's been a really exhausting...but good long weekend, I'm ready to return to the land of living or England as I like to call it.....Work tomorrow....excellent....can't wait....!!!